A New Project: MPA #81

Recently, Broadway Limited Imports released a new N-scale model of an NW2 locomotive with DCC and sound. After purchasing one in PRR livery, I was very happy with the performance of the small switcher. Since the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad is my favorite road and the basis for my home layout, I thought, why not attempt to re-create one of their diesel locomotives in N-scale. With the ability to airbrush and print my own decals in any color on my laser printer, this project is starting to take shape. So, I ordered an undecorated model from Factory Direct Trains when they had one of their sales. The model was delivered today. I know the model will not be perfect, but I am not really the “rivet-counter” type anyway. Close enough is good enough. However, I do want to try to reproduce the round smoke stacks with what I think are spherical spark arrestors on top. Any suggestions for this would be greatly appreciated. So, let’s get off the computer and down to the work bench and make a plan for this project. I will keep you posted on the progress.