On Saturday, August 10, 2019, several members of HARM, Bill M., Bob U., Rich, K., and Scott W., ventured to New Jersey to participate in an operating session at the Burlington County Model Railroad Club with crossover member Harry I. After a filling breakfast at the local crew’s regular place, the Cinnimonson Diner, we drove the short distance over to the model railroad club building, which is in the basement of a converted theatre. Recently, the club has been working on an operating scheme and schedule for their wonderful layout using JMRI Operations Pro to generate train orders and switch lists. Each of the HARM members were paired with one of the BCMRC members in order to get the lay of the land and understand the operating procedures. Rich volunteered to work one of the two main yards, while the others worked through freights and locals. The layout design provides a variety of operating potential. In addition to the two main yards, there is an extensive steel mill, waterfront with barge tracks, power plant, breweries, and facilities for loading and unloading coal. All of these industries kept us busy for over three hours. It was a great day of running trains and visiting with friends. We even got to see some structures that were removed from founding HARM member Dave R’s layout to live on in another location. Check out some of the pictures from our visit.